
Your Stories
Start-Ups. Corner Shops. Entrepreneurs.
You all have a story to tell.
Take your pick, behind each small business is someone like you who just wants to do what makes them happy. As life goes, however, the more you build your business, the less time you have for your passion. So, how to get back more time to do what you love and still be successful? By engaging customers with your story and letting them experience your brand. The more you do, the longer you’ll keep your client base. And it’s always easier (read that as “less time and money involved”) to keep your existing clientele than it is to be forever searching for the new.
Let’s Get You Established as an Expert In Your Field
If you own a small business, you have insights, expertise, clients, challenges, skills, cash flow, competition, associates, memberships, expenses, employees, anecdotes, problems, projects, and ideas. In other words, you have a lot to say and there are many, many people who’d like to hear from you. Let’s share.
Where Should We Start? With One Email From You.
My promise to you: Contacting me does not mean you’re added to a mailing list or sent unsolicited emails and newsletters. I just don’t do that to my clients. ~ Kim
I just wanted to share with you that our authors group (for the book you edited my chapter for) met this past weekend for a bonding/training event. During the event, the Author Group Coordinator pulled me aside and asked who did my editing. She said my chapter was so “tight” that no revisions were needed by me (all other authors had their chapters returned for revisions)
My Expertise
Take a quick trip. See how much I have to offer you.