
Kimberly Hand is an outstanding writer who creatively captures her clients’ personalities and has a unique flair for featuring the best of each business.
Changing Times Require New Mindset
Isolation. Disruption. Challenges. Change. That pretty much describes life these days; the thought of more to come—and more will—can be frightening, even paralyzing. But upheaval brings about innovation, and we wouldn’t have the lives or businesses we do...
Teaming Up To Transform One Another
I just wrote this article for Small Business Milwaukee. It's about a non-profit endeavor called HCT|MaxFulfillment and its founder is Randy Bennett, Ed.D. His new initiative is all about helping one another maximize our success and fulfillment in life thru...
Co-Op Marketing Program Provides Small Businesses Wide Exposure
Good ideas, interesting people, novel solutions, hearty laughs, thoughtful discussions, genuine camaraderie and helpful connections are free to anyone joining Milwaukee’s Small Business Owners Networking Events. I know because I’m one of the attendees....
The Custom Cottage Teaches Furniture Building
"That's Right. We Are Open!" That was the message Johnny Mailloux, Owner of The Custom Cottage in Milwaukee, sent out in mid-April 2020.Yes, for right now, he's working alone. His unique, specialized, custom-built furniture business is right on the cusp of...
Downstream Provides A Raft to Help You Ride Out These Whitewater Rapids
Powerful conversations for growth-minded professionals and business owners, who all face the same challenges as we flow toward larger waters. After all, WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT! Jill Borsos, Sarah Schwab and Dave Rebro are 3 entrepreneurs who founded Downstream...
How Do Things Look for Realtors?
The real estate industry is considered “essential,” so realtors like Christina Nicol are still moving along. During a recent Facebook Live session with her Shorewest colleagues, they all discussed new listings that were coming on the market. Several weeks ago,...
Kim has provided excellent services and counsel when it comes to the written word. Having a history in content creation, she has excelled in her writing and editing in anything that we have worked on together. I usually just give Kim the task of the writing and don’t doubt for a second that it won’t be perfect or do I ever have to really check it. If you are looking to have some content written that gets to the point either professionally or just for fun, give Kim’s writing a try, you won’t regret it.
Tracy Champagne, Founder, Small Business Milwaukee